A Model of Change

We are a community network platform that promotes discussion, creates communities of practice, and utilizes digital transformation to activate local villages' resources, expertise, and development in counties across Kenya.

Since 2010, we attained powerful conversations

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Building community networks in Kenya

Emergence of Kijiji Yeetu

As Kijiji Yeetu points out, there is a need to explore new prospects through digital and conventional social models. This is taking place in Kenya, where the government is designing and reengineering the governance of public resources and power. As a result of globalization, transnational crime, climate change, digital technology, and media, local economies have evolved into new shift layers. The implications of the village project model are appropriate in consideration of the SDGs in Kenya, Africa, and beyond. Kijiji Yeetu continues to promote a multi-stakeholder, collaborative strategy that utilizes design thinking and systems thinking methods to address development challenges and provide innovation solutions for local communities. 


About US

Activating community networks of Kenya

Kijiji Yeetu recognizes exciting options emerging from devolved government and economic globalization, such as the advent of digital technology and social media. The organization is focused on increasing projects in the villages and communities that facilitate knowledge, information sharing, dialogue, training, and evidence based research. 


The Idea

Delivering services and employment while remaining well connected. In accordance with Sustainable Development Goals in Kenya, Africa and beyond, the impact of our smart village initiatives model is appropriate.

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Kijiji Yeetu Stories

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KijijiYeetu Ambassadors

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Kijiji Yeetu Projects

Our Initiatives

Community Networks Projects & Initiatives

The organization is focused on increasing projects in the villages that facilitate knowledge exchange, training, and research. .


Advance digital skills, inclusion, digital security, and digital innovation through the use of ICT. This will improve digital divide and digital pathways in the villages. Digital needs, priorities and capacities will be improved.


Community Network ideas stimulate debates and human experiences, and transformation through stories of change, media, music, publications. The village is the country support system.


Foster local collaboration, networks and expertise that facilitate grassroot connectivity. The methodologies support village-level capacity and knowledge. This will help create change in government!
Our initiatives

Based on an integrated approach to digital development

The Community Network model has enabled us to accelerate impact on multiple collection of projects– such as

Digital smart villages project

People, thoughts, innovations, resources, expertise, and conversations from communities and villages are infused into the digital platform.

Technology, development & human rights

Invest in digital solutions that support civic space, participation, free expression, assembly, privacy, and digital rights in villages.

Encryption & Internet Shutdown

Knowledge, information sharing, and dialogue on human rights, privacy, and free expression, will benefit the Smart Encryption Village platform.

Community Network

Participate in Access NOW #KeepItOn campaigns to reduce the impact of internet outages, digital network disruptions, and digital security.

Digital Peace, Governance & Security

Collaborative learning, analysis, and review of governance, peace, security centered on police and private security, and digital technology.

Research & Policy analysis

This initiative helps with generating research, studies, policy papers, conferences, public debates, expert roundtables, and workshops.

Get in touch

Let’s experience the power of community networks

A community network is a holistic and inclusive approach for rural digital transformation towards achieving the SDGs in remote and underserved communities where


10+ Years of experience in community networks projects

Traditional approaches have failed to solve the most pressing problems in rural areas. A radically different design and implementation approach is needed: a smart village approach

Security & Governance

Kijiji Yeetu created and executed innovative projects in sectors of policing, private security, citizen participation, and devolved governance.

Digital Technology

We have been advocating for digital literacy and inclusion, Internet governance, Smart Villages, community networks, and Artificial Intelligence.

Collaboration & Partnerships

About 30 organizations have partnered with us to promote human rights, democracy, gender equality, and environmental sustainability.

Our Projects are centered around SDGs

Community Networks model enables accelerated impact on multiple SDGs

Accelerating the real impact of the Sustainable Development Goals for people in rural areas.


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages'. The SDG declaration emphasizes that to achieve the overall health goal


Flourishing societies enable flourishing businesses. Achievement of this SDGs creates an arena of thriving village economy


Aims at ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


Environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning

Activating Community Networks of Kenya

Technology and Village are the World of 21st Century 


Latest news & article

Transformative Action in Kenyan Villages

Kijiji Yeetu – Transformative Action in Kenyan Villages Kijiji yet’s initiative is one of the more interesting COVID-19 deployments in Kenya, looking into grass-root action